Asbestos Air Monitoring

Asbestos is a fine-fibred silicate material and is an air-borne hazard to human beings. Monitoring the air quality around your asbestos problem is an essential part of meeting the health challenge, which asbestos presents. Asbestos, until it was properly understood, was an invisible killer in our midst, with microscopic particles being breathed in by unsuspecting human beings. Now, of course, we know about the dangers it poses and have, finally, taken steps to prevent further suffering and deaths from this air-borne killer. Asbestos air monitoring involves sampling the environmental air quality on-site and in surrounding areas, as to the presence of airborne fibres. We provide air monitoring as part of our comprehensive asbestos removal service in Adelaide.

air monitoring report adelaide

Leading 5 Star Service

Asbestos air monitoring is an integral aspect of assessing and managing the risks associated with asbestos. There are four distinct processes involved in controlled airborne fibre monitoring of asbestos.

  • Background Airborne Monitoring – this is undertaken prior to any action or disturbance in relation to the asbestos material.
  • Control Airborne Fibre Monitoring – is conducted during the removal of asbestos material and is designed to measure the amount of airborne fibres outside of the removal area.
  • Clearance Airborne Monitoring – done after the removal of the asbestos material to ascertain whether the air around the site is now clear of fibres.
  • Exposure Monitoring – is employed to check on the exposure level of workers and residents.

Air monitoring is recommended in accordance with the Guidance Note on the Membrane Filter Method for Estimating Airborne Fibres {NOHSC:3003(2005)}.


When is Asbestos Air Monitoring Necessary?

Whenever friable asbestos material is being removed an asbestos removal control plan should be in place. Asbestos air monitoring is an important part of any plan to remove or manage asbestos containing material from a site or building. Monitoring the air is a vital component to the safe management and control of asbestos. We have the training, experience and certification to handle air monitoring in Perth. We offer free quotes on our service.


When dealing with dangerous materials, there’s no room to make mistakes. Thus, to guarantee the most efficient and accurate service, you need The Demolition Blokes for your asbestos removal Adelaide. We prioritise our clients and their timetables, and ensure safety takes precedence with every job we undertake. Call us today to arrange an on-site test for peace of mind!